Friday 17 August 2012

The Trip to Woodbine Beach

       As we have planned before, our calssmates went to Woodbine Beach on 16th,August. If it had rained yesterday, we would not have had so much fun.
       The lake is so clear and there were many people riding on their skateboards and rollers. A group of Canadian geese were seeking food from the grass. Some girls and boys were playing volleyball. They looked very excited of their game.
       After gathering, ladies walked along the lake and learned how to keep young from Amy, who is good at making beauty. Joseph and other classmates played the soccer on the beach.
        In the lunch time, Lei shared his delicious and spicy noodles with us. When we asked him why he cooked so well, he said if you wanted to eat something, no one would cook for you, you had to do it yourself. Hmm..., a good method to let husbands cook for themselves. But it is a pity that my husband says that he does not like any cooked food, he only likes the instant food.
         We continued to talk about how to learn ski and where to buy the ski suits after enjoying the lunch. How relaxing we were when we were far from jobs and home routines.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

A Bargain

      Several weeks ago, we went to the Scarborough Rib Festival. When we stepped into the welcoming gate, my son was attracted by a ball game that everyone can buy two balls and threw them into a barrel, if the two balls are not bounced out of the barrel, you win the game and will get a fur toy.

"It is too expensive! Five bucks can only buy two balls. That toy is so small! " My husband said.

"Come on, it is worthy. If you win, you can get a toy for your son. How you son likes that dog!Or you can spend 10 bucks for three balls to win the large one." said the seller.

"You see there are other interesting game. We can go around and enjoy them.If you can give us a good price, we can stay here.10 bucks for 8 balls."

"Wait, wait, wait. You drive a hard bargain. 10 bucks for 6 balls, that is my final offer."

"OK. We can stick with these balls."

"A Steal!"

After getting the 6 balls, my son rushed to pick them up and threw them away. Unfortunately, we failed. But more than that, we had a fun.

Saturday 11 August 2012

A Happy Day in Toronto Zoo

      Last long weekend, my family made a trip to Toronto Zoo.
      There are 38 stops from the building where we live to zoo by 85. Before leaving, we sighed it would take much time in the road. But unexpectedly, we only spent 40 minutes. How fast it is compared the Beijing's buses!
      Firstly, we sit in the touring bus to take a brief look. Then, we stopped before the splashing garden. In this garden, there are many animal statues and the water is pushed from the mouth of these animals. Many kids are happy here. It seems every child likes to play with water whether she or he is from Canada, Africa or Asia.
      After having fun with water, we went to the kids zoo. I have leant many animals' English name, such as prairie dog(top dog), alpaca and so on. I also knew what is the difference between rabbit and hare from the introduction and how to use "hop", "jump" and "leap". It is a good place to study the English related to animals. We will go there again if it does not rain next Saturday.